Schloss Wachenheim AG - Konzern


Shareholder Representatives

  • Nick Reh, Trier - Chairman

    Member of the Board at Günther Reh Aktiengesellschaft, Leiwen/Mosel and
    Managing Director at Günther und Käthi Reh GmbH & Co. KG, Trier

  • Mandates*

    AMBRA S.A., Warsaw
    (Member of the Supervisory Board)
    TRIWO AG, Trier
    (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)

  • Dr. Wilhelm Seiler, Munich - Deputy Chairman


  • Mandate*

    Vintalia Weinhandels GmbH & Co. KG
    (Member of the Advisory Council)

  • Eduard Thometzek, Bad Honnef

    Former Chairman of the Executive Board of Zürich Beteiligungs AG (Germany), Frankfurt am Main

  • Monika Schulze, Bonn

    Former CMO Zurich Insurance and Unilever

  • Mandates*

    AMBRA S.A., Warsaw
    (Member of the Supervisory Board)
    Atlantic Grupa d.d., Zagreb
    (Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board)
    Ökoworld AG, Hilden
    (Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board)

Employee Representatives

  • Melanie Meigel, Trier

    Staff Member Quality Management Department (Trier site)

  • Stephan Scholten, Trier

    Brand Manager Marketing (Trier site)

  • * Membership of other statutory supervisory boards and comparable domestic and foreign supervisory committees of business companies as defined under Section 125 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
