Compliance with rules and ethically impeccable behavior, including the avoidance of corruption and bribery, form the basis for sustainable business development. Compliance management in the Schloss Wachenheim Group is therefore geared towards ensuring that all management bodies and employees behave in a legally compliant and honest manner. In addition to compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, this also includes standards and instructions on ethical and compliant behavior of employees among themselves and towards third parties, as well as the avoidance of conflicts of interest, corruption and bribery, money laundering and compliance with rules on data and environmental protection as well as food and occupational safety. In addition, the companies in the Schloss Wachenheim Group are committed to respecting human rights in accordance with internationally accepted standards, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. We also demand integrity and compliant behavior from our suppliers.
In line with the decentralized management of our business activities, ensuring compliance with these legal rules and internal company guidelines and implementing the associated necessary organizational measures is the responsibility of the management bodies of the individual group companies. This also includes regular training and instruction, particularly for employees in risk areas. In addition to general compliance guidelines, departmental and activity-related instructions also apply. The Management Board of Schloss Wachenheim AG, which is also represented on the supervisory bodies of the most important subsidiaries, monitors compliance with these principles of corporate governance.
We give our employees the opportunity to seek advice on compliance issues within the company in cases of doubt. A network of selected managers is available for this purpose, who can also make use of other internal resources or external consultants if necessary.
In addition, suspected or actual violations of laws, regulations and internal guidelines can be reported anonymously. Such reports are investigated without exception. No employee has to fear any disadvantages as a result of a bona fide report of potential misconduct.