Schloss Wachenheim AG - Konzern


Schloss Wachenheim AG acts in accordance with the applicable laws and its values. These are also demonstrated in our Code of Conduct and brought to life by a corresponding compliance organisation.

Schloss Wachenheim AG has a great interest in being informed about grievances and misconduct. This includes, among other things, violations that are subject to criminal penalties or fines, insofar as the violated regulation serves to protect life, limb or health, to protect the rights of employees or their representative bodies, or violations of other legal provisions, such as those for combating money laundering and terrorist financing, for the protection of personal data, for the auditing of financial statements of companies of public interest or for the accounting of capital market-oriented companies (see §2 of the Whistleblower Protection Act).

Employees and trainees, customers, business partners or other third parties (such as service providers, suppliers) have the option of submitting reports via various reporting channels if there are indications of violations of the rules. Reports can be submitted anonymously or personalised, in person, by telephone or by email.

We have set up the following reporting office for this purpose. Employees and trainees can also contact their superiors, managers, the compliance coordinators of the respective departments and the company's compliance officer.

  • Registration office:

    Schloss Wachenheim AG
    Bettina Stracke / Michael Winkel
    Niederkircher Straße 27
    54294 Trier
    Phone: +49 (651) 9988-550

Upon receipt of a non-anonymous tip or via an email address (anonymised or non-anonymised), the whistleblower will be notified of the receipt of the tip.

At the whistleblower's request, it is also possible to discuss tips in a personal meeting within a reasonable period of time.

The information is processed and appropriate measures are taken, of which the non-anonymous whistleblower is informed within three months.

Whistleblowers are protected by Schloss Wachenheim AG in accordance with the provisions of the Whistleblower Protection Act so that they do not suffer any disadvantages, reprisals, discrimination or retaliation.
